better brands. better life.
Because we believe that brands can help improve people’s lives.
At Becoming Belgium, we want to help create relevance for companies and their brands at whatever stage of their lives they are in. And for the people behind them, their customers, their employees.
Helping brands to translate their DNA through all touchpoints to better engage their audience.
... With creativity as a link, insights based, customer-focused, always in a collaborative way.

.becoming is a company, based in Brussels, Lille and Paris. Becoming Belgium groups the expertises of the 3 former agencies Lielens & partners, Monalisa and Magenta.
Working inside .becoming means for us, and for you, access to more than 300 skilled people in brand communication, this within one organization.
For other markets than Belgium and France, .becoming works with ICOM network.
ICOM is the largest independent communication agencies network. More than 90 agencies are members of ICOM in 60 countries worldwide. .becoming teams can «plug-in» and connect with like-minded teams around the globe.
Great creative work is steeped in an understanding of the brand’s positioning and local customer insights. When ICOM local agencies listen to each other, respect that «Local is King», and know how to work in global alignment, the process is hugely insightful and beneficial for the brand, the project, the campaign.